Welcome to Natural Nerd.
I’m Christina, a former city dweller turned small town gal. My goal is to help you and your families live healthier, in ways which also help our beautiful planet. All on a budget of course. My recipes are easier than pie. Scratch that – making pie is difficult. My recipes are easier than making a sandwich.
Now I could waffle on about the scary chemicals lurking in your products, but if you are reading this blog, chances are that you already know a little something about this. If not, then take a squizz at some quick facts to get you in the loop. I also think it’s important for you to know how to use essential oils safely, since many of my recipes contain them.
How to Stay Updated
I’d love to send you my new recipes, so please sign-up for my newsletter below. No spam, I promise. I send one newsletter every 3 months with my latest recipes, and a few other interesting articles, reviews, news and competitions.
Where to start?
As a starting point, I first recommend getting rid of your roll-on/ antiperspirants. You can either trust that I got your back on this one, or you can assume I’m crazy and read why I babble such nonsense here.
So now that you’ve chucked the roll-on, your fresh armpits are a ticking time bomb! Get the ball rolling by making your own roll on, body wash and body spray. Once you’ve taken care of your armpits, then you can also look forward to a new recipe every month.
If you’ve never done this before, here are some easy beginner recipes that are quite popular:
If you already know your way around natural DIY, then you may like to try some of these more intermediate recipes:
There are many more recipes, but that should be enough to get you started. You can browse my recipes by category and difficulty level. If you are pressured for time, then you can view all my recipes that will take under 15 minutes to make.
Shopping Guide
If you are having trouble finding a specific ingredient or product that I’ve mentioned, then my personal shopping guide might help you. Local South Africans can find most of the ingredients online at Faithful to Nature or King Online or eOil.
You will also receive R100 discount on your first purchase of R400 from Faithful to Nature when you sign-up for their newsletter. That’s a good way to get started 😉
I make a tiny commission when you purchase from these stores within 24 hours of clicking my links to their website. This is one way you can support my blog. If you do support me, thank you so much. I sincerely appreciate it.

How to Get in touch
Please feel free to ask questions and share your experiences with me in the comments section of my posts. You can find the comments section at the bottom of each recipe and article. Or you can contact me on my social media channels. You will find the links in the main menu by clicking this icon:
You can also read my full disclaimer & privacy policy.
Enjoy the blog! I look forward to hearing from you.